

Dear all,
”I was lucky enough to practice at Shikukai dojo after my son had practiced there last summer. Iwanami-sensei is not only an impressive kendo player, but a very impressive teacher. Shikukai, under his tutelage, is much more than a dojo to learn how to do proper kendo, it is a traditional dojo in the true sense of the word. A place to train the mind as well as the body; a place to learn about yourself as much as to learn about kendo. The way Iwanami-sensei’s students conduct themselves in the dojo and the way in which they strive to improve their kendo was great to see. Iwanami-sensei runs a disciplined dojo with an emphasis on correct kendo; kendo that requires patience and good posture; kendo that comes from the sword. Since I practiced at Shikukai under Iwanami-sensei I have been trying to not only improve my kendo, but to improve myself as a person. I learned that improvement not only comes from doing kendo, but also how we conduct ourselves inside the dojo, outside of the dojo and in life generally. I am very much looking forward to practicing at Shikukai many times in the future.”

Nigel Collins
Jan 8, 2011

Posted by shikukai